Александр Неккам

Александр Неккам

Английский богослов, писатель, философ
Дата рождения: 08.09.1157
Страна: Франция

  1. Александр Неккам: философ, писатель и энциклопедист
  2. A Life of Learning and Writing
  3. The Fables and Legacy
  4. A Life of Service and Leadership

Александр Неккам: философ, писатель и энциклопедист

Alexander Neckam, a prominent English theologian, writer, and philosopher, was born on September 8, 1157 in St Albans. He spent his youth in Paris, where he received his education. In 1180, he became a professor at the Parisian school known as "Little Bridge." Neckam was a renowned encyclopedist of his time and possessed vast knowledge in various fields.

A Life of Learning and Writing

Neckam devoted his life to academia and writing. In 1203, he became an Augustinian monk. He was a prolific writer, composing didactic poems and philosophical works. One of his notable works is "De laudibus divinae sapientiae" (In Praise of Divine Wisdom), which consists of 10 volumes and serves as a poetic encyclopedia describing the sky, sea, earth, animals, plants, and human beings. In a more concise form, this work is known as "De naturis rerum" (On the Nature of Things). Neckam translated numerous pieces of information from Arabic and ancient Greek sources, introducing them into European scientific discourse. It is believed that Neckam's works contain one of the earliest mentions of the magnetic compass in Europe, if not the first.

The Fables and Legacy

Neckam is also known as a writer and author of fables, which he compiled in collections titled "Novus Aesopus" (New Aesop) and "Novus Avianus" (New Avianus). These fables were influenced by Aesop's tales and were popular during the Middle Ages.

A Life of Service and Leadership

In 1213, Neckam became the head of a monastery, serving as its abbot until his death in 1227. The exact date of his death remains unknown. Throughout his life, Neckam contributed significantly to the intellectual and scientific progress of his time, leaving a lasting legacy in the fields of theology, literature, and philosophy.