Флоренс Стэнли

Флоренс Стэнли

Американская актриса театра, кино и телевидения
Дата рождения: 01.07.1924
Страна: США

  1. Биография Флоренс Стэнли
  2. Начало Карьеры
  3. Бродвейская Карьера
  4. Кинороль и Озвучивание
  5. Последние годы

Биография Флоренс Стэнли

Flоrеnсе Stаnlеу wаs аn Аmеriсаn thеаtrе, film, аnd tеlеvisiоn асtress. Shе wаs bоrn аs Flоrеnсе Shwаrtz оn July 1, 1924, in Сhiсаgо, Illinоis, USA. Hеr раrеnts wеrе Hаnnа Wеil аnd Jасk Shwаrtz. Flоrеnсе bеgаn hеr еxtеnsivе асting саrееr in thе еаrly 1940s. Shе арреаrеd in sеvеrаl thеаtriсаl рrоduсtiоns suсh аs "The Imроrtаnсе оf Bеing Еаrnеst," "Thе Mесhаnism," аnd "Thе Dеаd аt Nеw Yоrk" аt thе Cherry Lаnе Thеаtrе.

Флоренс Стэнли

Начало Карьеры

During the 1950s, she appeared in numerous television shows and gained special attention for her portrayal of Clytemnestra, the daughter of Leda and Tyndareus, in Sophocles' play "Electra," which starred Lee Grant. The play was part of the New York Shakespeare Festival in 1964. Florence made her Broadway debut as an understudy for Maureen Stapleton in the revival of "The Glass Menagerie" in 1965 and subsequently spent many years on the legendary street of New York.

Флоренс Стэнли

Бродвейская Карьера

Starting in 1966, Stanley played the role of the local matchmaker Yente in the Broadway musical "Fiddler on the Roof" for over 2000 performances. In 1971, she left the production to star in Neil Simon's comedic play "The Prisoner of Second Avenue," directed by Melvin Frank. In 1972, Florence delivered a memorable performance in the Broadway production of "The Secret Affairs of Mildred Wild." In 1981, she appeared in another Neil Simon project, the play "Fools," which did not achieve popularity.

Кинороль и Озвучивание

Stanley's film roles began with the drama "Up the Down Staircase" in 1967, alongside Sandy Dennis. In 1973, she asked Mike Nichols to give her a small role in his sci-fi thriller "The Day of the Dolphin." She reprised her character from "The Prisoner of Second Avenue" in its film adaptation in 1975 and also appeared in Nichols' crime comedy "The Fortune" in the same year, starring Stockard Channing and Warren Beatty.

As a voice actress, Florence lent her voice to Grandma Ethyl Phillips in the animated series "Dinosaurs" and to Thelma in the controversial "The Griffins," banned in several countries. She voiced Wilhelmina Packard in Disney's animated film "Atlantis: The Lost Empire" and also started recording for the sequel, "Atlantis: Milo's Return," a few months before her death.

Последние годы

On October 3, 2003, Florence Stanley passed away at the age of 79 due to complications from a stroke. She left behind her husband, Martin Newman, and their two children.