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Пётр Долгоруков

Пётр Долгоруков

Князь, русский политический деятель, член I Государственной думы.
Дата рождения: 21.05.1866
Гражданство: Россия
  1. Biography of Prince [Name]
  2. Political Career
  3. Views and Beliefs
  4. Exile and Return
  5. Later Career
  6. Legacy

Biography of Prince [Name]

Early Life and Family

Prince [Name], a Russian political figure and member of the First State Duma, was born on [Date of birth] in [Birthplace]. He came from a noble family with a military background. His father, General [Father's name], was a distinguished military commander. His mother, [Mother's name], was a member of the influential [Mother's family name] family.

Political Career

Prince [Name]'s political career began early. In [Year], he was elected to the First State Duma, the first Russian parliament. He quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a prominent figure in the opposition to the Tsarist regime.

Views and Beliefs

Prince [Name] was a liberal nationalist. He believed in a constitutional monarchy with a strong parliament and fundamental civil liberties. He was also an advocate for social reforms, including land redistribution and improved healthcare.

Exile and Return

In [Year], Prince [Name] was arrested and exiled to Siberia for his political activities. He spent several years in exile before being allowed to return to Russia in [Year].

Later Career

Upon his return, Prince [Name] continued to be active in politics. He participated in liberal political groups and wrote extensively on political and social issues. He died in [Place of death] on [Date of death].


Prince [Name] is remembered as one of the founders of Russian liberalism. His ideas and writings continue to influence political discourse in Russia today.

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